Friday, January 8, 2010


I love flickchart. I am on flickchart right now, as a matter of fact.

I also love The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966). So I decided, "I oughta re-rank The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly so I can move it up my list of movie rankings."

First match-up was against American Psycho (2000). Sorry Christian Bale, but your stunning breakout performance just doesn't do the trick.

Second was against Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982). Again, good movie, but no contest.

Flickchart wises up to my game and says "Alright, smart guy. Whaddaya say to THIS?"

Third match-up was against Lawrence of Arabia (1953).

This decision is going to take me all week.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I feel trapped.

There are any number of things I want to write about in my blogs and facebook notes that I don't feel like I can or should.

Let me back up a bit.

What is a writer without his audience? Does a voice matter in a vacuum, or is it the listeners that validate its existence and make it worth listening to? Is it worth writing when no one reads?

Normally I'd say the subject matter of a writer's musings is irrelevant to the discussion of these questions, but in my case, the subject matter is of crucial concern.

Y'see, I live in a very red state, and my less-than-very-red opinions are not very popular here. My "audience," as it were, is pretty much restricted to a small geographic, as well as a very small set of very similar opinions. Sure, there's a few exceptions, but should my real opinions be expressed and prove repugnant to those who do not share them, I could ultimately be left with that few as my audience.

Some would say that I'd just need to say what I feel and find a new audience if needed. Sounds simple enough, but for a social anemic like myself, the prospect of finding a new audience (which I equate with making new friends) is terrifying. But I suppose they're right. It sucks to admit that fear is the main thing holding you back from doing what you want, but there you go. Now I just got to figure out how to get over myself.

In other news, can we talk about how much I hate New Year's resolutions?

So much.