Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Coronation, or: The first post of a doomed experiment

And it comes to this.

I am blogging.

Thanks to a recent bout of curiosity that I'm still trying to recover from, I decided to question a blogging friend about the appeal of the web log. Being someone who spent the majority of his elementary school years warming up to the concept of the written word, it seemed only fitting I be just as unreasonably skeptical about e-journaling.

Facebook was a similar struggle, but, now that I think about it, a somewhat anachronistic one. In any case, I had a hard time seeing a personal page on the web as anything but leashless narcissism. Still, the ebbing tide of peer pressure (which shouldn't have even been a thing at that point in my life) eroded my cynicism and I started a facebook account. Despite a nearly year-long hiatus, it remains active to this day.

So now the bulwarks have fallen and I am officially a blogger. I remain skeptical about the fame and legions of fans this move is promised to bring me, but thanks to my blogging friend, I now view this blog as less a means for accolades and more a font of self-reflection. Hopefully I can maintain a healthy update schedule (insert an audio clip of someone laughing derisively) in order to reap the benefits.

And who knows? Maybe when I retire I'll finally get a Twitter account!